Saturday, February 20

These Cut Flowers Just Won't Die

"Flowers -- in the dead of winter!"  That is a quote said by Patricia Neal in the original Walton's movie, The Homecoming, where she played John Boy's mother, Olivia.  We occasionally will buy fresh, cut flowers to brighten up our lives during the dreary winter months.

These "daisies" were purchased more than 3 weeks ago and still look -- well, fresh as a daisy.  My mom pointed out these aren't actually daisies.  She asked me what kind of leaves do they have.  They have chrysanthemum leaves.  She said they are actually chrysanthemums bred to look like daisies.   The leaves are actually pretty dried up, but the flowers still look great.  Whatever they are, they were worth every cent ($8) I paid for them.


Stan in NH said...

They are most likely chrysanthemums. There are varieties that have daisy/aster like flowers. Mums are very hardy and stay looking fresh for a long time, even though they are "dying on the inside." And they are in the aster family, so very closely related to daisies.

Kyle Leach said...

Definitely look like modified mums Mark. Stan and I have many in our yard and I agree they are very hardy and when you cut them they will last forever. Well worth the money.

Mark in DE said...

We like having cut flowers in the house, too, year round, and especially if we have company over for dinner.