Words Free |
Amazingly, I recently learned my iPhone also works as a telephone. Here are my current favorite apps:
10. Qrank -- The daily trivia game. Invite me to be a friend by searching for bluespongerun.
9. Angry Birds ($0.99) -- I love killing those pigs!
8. Pandora -- Lets you hear music similar to songs and music artist you already like.
7. Words Free -- Very similar to Scrabble... I mean VERY. Invite me to play a game (Mkr20003).
6. Comcast Guide -- Allows you to remotely record stuff on the DVR. I love technology!
4. Netflix -- I can watch stuff from my Instant Queue on my iPhone. Awesome!
3. Twitter -- Follow me at BlueSpongeRun. I have the occasional interesting twit.
2. Sportcycle -- DC has a bike sharing program and this app lets you know where the stations are, how many bikes are available, or whether there is a free slot to park a bike I have checked out.
and my #1 Favorite iPhone App is:
Textfree -- Why would anyone pay to text when this little app, which is ad-based, lets you do it for free? The only down-side is that you have to use a new phone number that they provide (for free!).