One of my New Year's Resolutions was to to do a virtual run from my home in DC to our possible new home in Punta Gorda, FL. It is just a bit more than 1,000 miles. To run that distance in a year, I have to run an average of 2.75 miles a day. Today was my first segment of that run and I ran 10K (6.25 miles) on the treadmill at my gym. I wanted to get a bit of a cushion in so that if I miss some days down the road, I can still make my goal. If I had started at my house in DC, the distance I traveled would have taken me across the Potomac, into Virginia, past the Pentagon and down Interstate 395 (the Shirley Highway) to Glebe Road. Less than 1,000 miles to go. The map below shows the start near my house in South East DC and my finish today in Virginia.

Goal: Approximately 1,003 miles from DC to Punta Gorda, FL
Required Daily Distance: 2.75 miles
Actual Run Distance Completed Today: 6.25 miles
Total Distance Run in 2010: 6.25 miles
Today's Run Time: 53 minutes
Total Run Time: 53 minutes
My Virtual Distance to Punta Gorda: 996.75 miles
What date will I get to Punta Gorda?
I am also trying to improve my strength by doing push ups. I downloaded an application for my iPhone called 100 Pushups. It is designed to help you work up to doing 100 push ups a session, three to four times a week. I thought it would be fun to keep track of the number I do throughout the year. Goal for the year? 10,000.
Today's Push Up Total: 25
Push Ups in 2010: 25
Another one of my goals for the year was to weigh less than 165. I hopped on the scale today and weighed 178. Only 13 pounds to go, but with Christmas cookies and candies putting temptation in my way, for me, losing weight is not a cake walk (so to speak). Did I mention that Shane got me 5 boxes of Hot Tamales for Christmas? Four boxes remain.