Saturday, June 13

My Giant Cactus is Budding

This is the cactus we use as a Christmas tree. In the spring, I drag it outside and eventually it begins to bud. There are lots of buds this year. It must have been enjoying our very wet spring of late. These phallic buds turn into huge flowers that usually bloom one or two evenings and then drop off.

I've had the cactus since I was in college -- about 27 years. It was my neighbor's before that, and he had it for years and years. The cactus is growing out of control, and I've promised Shane that I would downsize it. He's not exactly fond of me having to bring the huge thing into our tiny rowhouse every winter. He says it doesn't go with our decor.

Previously, when a top section would break off, I would put it in some dirt and it would do just fine. I think eventually I'm just going to re-pot one of those single sections and keep it and find the main section of the plant a good home. I'll post more shots when it actually blooms.

Clicking on the pictures will make them bigger.

Gipsy Kings Not Performing at Wolf Trap -- "Bamboleo"

The Gipsy Kings were awesome last night. This clip is of them from 20 years ago at Royal Albert Hall, and they are still great. By the end of the show last night, everyone at Wolf Trap was on their feet and dancing. You don't have to understand the words to have a good time.

Sorry about the closing credits at the beginning of the clip. They are over by the time the singing starts.