There was a storm gathering over the Potomac this morning. . . And I
was scared. There are hateful, bigoted or just plain ignorant people
that believe their imaginary friend, God, doesn't like the horrible
sin of loving someone of the same sex. They think it is OK to not
give these people the same rights as they have because it will change
the definition of a word. Dictionaries will gave to be changed, and
that is cumbersome.
There's a storm gathering and many people may get wet. The wind will
blow. The sky darkens. Baby Jesus cries. His followers don't get
that love thing he was all about. What if Jesus were a gay? He'd be
pissed. He'd want equal rights with all the sinners.
Maybe these deeply religious people should go to a storm shelter . . .
A deep hole in the ground and wait for the storm to pass. It looks
like a lenthy storm -- maybe several years. We'll let you know when
the storm passes. Take lots I'd supplies and you'll be fine. We'll
let you know when the blow is over.