If you've followed this blog at all, you may be aware that we are trying to buy a house in Punta Gorda, FL, which is pictured above. There was a problem with a variance that was subsequently challenged by a neighbor (aka the asswipe) in his attempt to get the house torn down because he thought it made his McMansion valued less.
Anyway, the asswipe was supposed to attend a preliminary hearing to explain his reasoning for his protest. He did not show up. It is not that I'm complaining that he didn't show up, but the asswipe could have let someone know he wasn't going to show up or pursue this matter so that other people can get on with their lives. I guess how much his actions are a pain for others is not his concern.
This may sound petty, but I hope he really needs our help someday. Like, if I noticed his house was on fire, I'm sure I'd still call the fire department... eventually.
We are still waiting to hear what happens next. Since the asswipe didn't show up, we may not have to wait for the city council to vote on the matter in February, and the sale could happen sooner rather than later. I'll let you know when I know.