Saturday, July 9

Michele Bachmann Signs Anti-Gay Pledge

Crazy Tea Party Darling Congresswoman Michele Bachmann was the first GOP Presidential candidate to sign an anti-gay pledged on Thursday.  The pledge entitled, The Marriage vow: A Declaration of Dependence Upon Marriage and Family, was started by a conservative group called the The Family Leader, which asked all the presidential candidates to sign.  Bachmann couldn't wait.

The pledge declares homosexuality a choice and that gay marriage is putting the institution of marriage "in great crisis."  It also says homosexuality may have a negative impact on public health.  How can anyone with a brain support the views of this horrible person? This horrible person could be the GOP nominee for president of the United States.  I hate that there are millions of people out there that support her nonsense.  Damn you Fox News.

The anti-gay pledge comes right on the heels of news about the congresswoman's husband, Dr. Marcus Bachman, who runs a Christian counseling center that tries to turn gays straight, and his strange views about homosexuality.  He calls gay barbarians that should be disciplined.  Ironically, the views got less comments about the content than it did about the presentation and the gaydar it set off with the doctor's lispy, effeminate voice.  Could he be another self-hating Republican gay who thinks that he shouldn't act on his inclinations or god will be mad?  

Just because he sounds gay doesn't mean he is gay.  All stereotypes are not true.  But come on.  Any guesses how long before he is arrested in a men's room playing footsie with Larry Craig? Get a load of the video running during the interview below of the good doctor dancing.

Ironically, while the congresswoman preaches about the evils of socialism and government spending, she and her family have collected $251,000 in farm subsidies over 14 years.  Also, Dr. Bachmann clinic has collected Medicaid payments of $137,000 since 2005.  Asswipes.