We did hear about some news items. For example, I called my mother and heard all about commercial pitchman Billy Mays’ death from falling luggage during a plane landing. The house also had dial-up Internet access, so we saw a few other headlines. Also, we bought a newspaper one day.
After coming back home, it was apparent that this was a good week to be out of pocket. I got to avoid hearing the endless “news” about Michael Jackson’s death. Sadly, it continues.
There were some good news stories: Sarah Palin is resigning (but unfortunately I’m sure she won’t go away). My prediction is that she will be the new OxiClean spokesperson or will be hocking jewelry on QVC.
Norm Coleman finally conceded and Al Franken is finally going to be Democratic Senator Number 60! It is about time a close one goes our way. Let’s cross our fingers and hope it lasts.
Roger Federer and Serena Williams won Wimbledon again. This is the first time in many years that I didn’t see a single second of the tournament. This is Federer’s 15th major victory, breaking his tie with Pete Sampras for most career majors.
My favorite headline in today’s Express newspaper is about the death of Former NFL quarterback Steve McNair. The headline said: “Police: McNair’s Death a Homicide.” He was shot four times, including twice in the head. Those police are geniuses. His girlfriend, who had a single gunshot to the head, laid beside him, and the gun was found under her body. Luckily, OJ has an alibi.
A group called the Little People of America is asking the Federal Communications Commission to ban the use of the word “midget” on broadcast TV. It was prompted by NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice episode where they created an ad called “Jesse James and the Midgets.” Besides swearing, are there other words deemed politically incorrect that are banned from TV? I wonder if it matters what the context is? I could look these things up, but I don’t.
There seems to be a rash of plane crashes, train crashes, and celebrity deaths lately. There was a plane crash in the Indian Ocean of a Yeminia plane with a single 12-year-old girl surviving (152 people died). A man driving the monorail was killed at Disney World when it crashed. Karl Malden, Billy Mays and a slew of other celebrities have been dropping like flies and prompting fake reports that Jeff Goldblum, George Clooney, Harrison Ford, Natalie Portman, and Rick Astley all died. Only Jeff Goldblum's career is dead.