Sunday, May 15

It's the End of the World as We Know It-May 21

Don't make any plans for next Sunday, because according to the Robert Fitzpatrick (above), it isn't going to come.   Fitzpatrick spent his life savings, more than $140,000, on bus and subway ads in the New York City area claiming the world will end just before 6 pm Eastern time, on Saturday, May 21.

The ads say, "Global Earthquake: The Greatest Ever!  Judgement Day May 21, 2011."  Fitzpatrick also wrote and self-published a book, The Doomsday Code, saying the Bible offers sure-fire proof.  He also has a website with lots more religious mumbo jumbo.

Basically, Fitzpatrick is claiming that there will be a giant earthquake that will leave the Earth uninhabitable.  Apparently, he is a follower of Harold Camping, a radio host who has been wrong before about his end-of-the-world predictions.  Fitzpatrick, a retired engineer, is betting big time Camping isn't wrong this time.

I, for one, will be relaxing on Saturday and, perhaps, enjoying a cocktail.