Tuesday, August 23

Living Through a Naked Earthquake

I went to the gym late today, so it was just before 2 p.m. when I was in the shower.  That was also the time of the big Virginia earthquake of 2011.  I thought it was construction nearby at first.  Eventually, I realized it was an earthquake, but I had no intention of running out of there with just my towel.  I quickly finished and dressed.  Nobody else seemed too panicked about the situation.  I stopped at the salad place to get my lunch, and they told me everyone in Pentagon Center mall ran for their lives to get out of there when it happened.

As I was getting close to the office, I could see everyone was outside.  They had to check to make sure the building was safe, so they eventually said we could go home.  Meanwhile, I was texting everyone to make sure they were OK.  They let us go up to our offices--I needed to get my keys.  Since the subway was going to be a nightmare--it was running at 15 mph while they checked the tracks and I'm sure it was VERY crowded since everyone in the DC area was trying to get home at the same time.  A group of co-workers went to a nearby Mexican restaurant and we had some drinks.  I had a frozen margarita and a beer.  Shane also went out for drinks with co-workers.

Eventually, I decided to use one of the Capitol Bikeshare bikes to ride home.  It was a beautiful day and there were lots of people riding and walking home.  I had already run at the gym, so I had gotten plenty of exercise today.  I am sure I worked off the drinks.  Now I'm home and I don't see any damage to our house.  Maude seems no worse for wear. Everyone seems to be safe and sound.  You just never know what is going to happen when you wake up in the morning.