It has been quite a while since I made a post. I apologize if you check in on me here and are constantly disappointed with the same old thing. Here's what you missed.
We sold our house on Capital Hill and bought a 1-bedroom apartment in the Southwest Waterfront area of DC. Moving is no fun, but we did it with the help of a moving company that carried the stuff. We had to pack and unpack. We're almost completely settled. We just have some pictures to hang.
We are loving the new place. We are eight stories in the air with a balcony that we are loving. We bought a table and chairs and have been using it a lot. The place also has a gym and an indoor pool. It is like living at a resort. We have had a few issues (AC not working great at first, toilet problems, window treatments, etc), but we are sorting through them.
Also, since my last posting, my triplet nieces all graduated from college! The all got degrees on the same day (in two different ceremonies) at my Alma mater, Towson University, near Baltimore, MD. Both Shane and I went to the ceremonies and then they had a party the next day. Two are going to be teachers and one, like her Uncle Mark, got a Mass Communications degree. Congrats girls!
Kelly, Megan, and Nicki at their grad party. |
Me, Megan, Shane, and Kelly after their grad ceremony. |
Shane and I with Nicki after her ceremony. |
Our "empty" house just before leaving. |
We never counted the boxes, but there was many. |
The view from our balcony. |