Above is the letter (double click to enlarge) I received in response to my letter to Sen. Susan Collins regarding her silence on the recent vote in Maine to uphold same-sex marriage. That vote resulted in Mainers taking away the rights of a segment of the population to marry each other. Haters won the day and Sen. Collins justified it by stating she supports the right of Mainers to voice their opinion on state law via ballot measures, and that she respects the recent decision to overturn the same-sex marriage law.
I never thought Ms. Collins was a bright person and this seals my opinion of her (or whatever staffer wrote this tripe). To accept that a bigoted majority is allowed to take away a minority's civil rights is plainly wrong. As has been argued numerous times, if southern states were permitted to vote on interracial marriage in the 1960s (or even today) it is unlikely many of those states would ever permit such unions. I am certain that same-sex marriage will be a non-issue some day, much like interracial marriage is today (in most of the country). Sadly, haters win again for now.