Is it just me, or has this show gotten seriously not funny? I just watched last week's episode and it was just so bad, I am strongly considering removing the series from my DVR record list. The only thing mildly funny about last week's show was mouth catching cheeseballs. However, this episode was easily the worst show they have ever done. And they have been getting steadily worse all season. Is it me or is it them? It's them, right?
I was a huge fan of this show, but the story line of Michael quitting and running his own company is horrible. They seemed to have totally given up on making the story anywhere near believable. I am hoping next season, Jim will wake up and it will all have been a bad dream. They need to do something. It is not good.
I've never seen the American version of this program, and I've just barely seen some of the original.
But I suspect that what happened is what happens to most American programs: the writers try to mix things up, get original, go in new directions, all in the name of, well, not boring themselves.
What they forget is that the audience doesn't want that. They like what they liked in the first place, and want more of it.
That's my story. I'm sticking to it.
I've never been a big fan of The Office so if it is on the down swing, it won't bother me. :)
I used to LOVE this show along with my girlfriend, but it has STEADILY started sucking more and more, like what wcs guessed: the writers tried to mix things up to not bore themselves and it ruined the show.
I must agree that the show is not what it used to be. I never understood the logic behind changing a formula that works.
I will continute to tune in, however. Why? Idris Elba.
...as much as i think the nbc version used to be fine in it's own right ...the bbc version always stayed in the humor and awkwardness of "real life" and the quirks of people...the problem with doing too many episodes is you have to grasp for story lines to fill time even if they are unrealistic...
...for this show to work like the bbc version did so well you must believe that this stuff can actually happen...this humor has to be based in the reality of the moments...the show really started to jump the shark in season 4…
I’m glad the nbc version is its own show and not a copy…I just had hoped the nbc version could stay true to the ricky gervais bbc vision of "the unending drudgery that is the workplace and poke fun at it, not invent implausible scenarios that would not ever happen in real life..."
"...would like to see the office find the humor in the simplest of things... there doesn't have to be anything exciting and defining happen every episode..."
...this is when the show is at it's best...but since this stays on the air they should drop the documentary film crew and just try to to do a good sitcom…no crew would be following these people this long
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