Tuesday, June 23

Blue Sponge Newsroom -- Metro Disaster, Smoking Bill, SC Finds Gov., and More

It occurred to me this morning as I was riding the Metro to work that I could probably make a great deal of money if I were selling t-shirts that read, “I Survived My Ride on Metro.” Sadly, there are at least nine people that isn’t true for today. Two DC’s Metro trains collided yesterday evening resulting in the worst accident in the history of the subway service.

President Obama signed an anti-smoking bill that gives the FDA authority to regulate what goes into cigarettes and prevent marketing to children. The president briefly referenced his own smoking struggles during the signing ceremony, but didn’t elaborate on whether he was still a smoker. It made me think of the joke Wanda Sykes told at one of those press dinners about how the press can’t ever get a photo of the Obama smoking, but they have no trouble getting shots of him shirtless.

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford has been found hiking on the Appalachian Trail. He recently disappeared for 5 days and nobody knew what happened to him – not even his wife. He is considered a top presidential candidate for 2012 for the Republicans. He should fit right in.

Kodak is no longer going to manufacturer its oldest film stock – Kodachrome. Expect to see this or similar videos on blogs a lot.

Finally, Jon and Kate Gosselin are getting a divorce. Whoopee do da. I am still prohibited by law to have the choice to get married to the person I love – even if it could all go to hell in a handbasket.


ryan field said...

Very sad about the train wreck. I love trains and think of them as very safe.

Good post...the smoking thing has been going on for years. They all smoke. Jackie O was a chain smoker and I don't recall ever seeing a photo of her with a cigarette in her hand. It's all about image.

Bob said...

You're right about Sanford.
So right.