Sunday, May 31
My Levi's Purchase

Saturday, May 30
Upside Down Horseshoe Crab
crabs, they are actually descendents of spiders. That is according to
Rightside Up Horseshoe Crab
flip themselves over using their tail, but I thought I would ignore
the Prime Directive and help out.
Fenwick Island Beach
beach isn't as crowded and is wider. That is Shane's knee in the
corner of the shot.
The Beach at Bethany Beach
different. You can't see the shore from the boardwalk. They built
the dune way high, I suppose to prevent erosion. The beach is very
crowded and much more narrow.
Bethany Beach Sights
Crossing the Bay Bridge
this shot, but it has been very trafficy. They closed the road just
ahead of us to allow a huge herd of motorcycles merge on the highway.
Last Minute Beach Day
day. We are on our way to Delaware, and we should be there by 12:30
( depending on the traffic). It usually takes about 3 hours.
Friday, May 29
A Chuckle from Fail Blog

Support Levi's for Supporting Equality

Quality Never Goes Out of Style.
And neither does doing the right thing.
Levi's has launched a new ad campaign in more than twenty of it's company-owned stores from New York to San Francisco, with mannequins wearing Levi’s jeans and shirts fitted with White Knots, a symbol of solidarity with the same-sex marriage movement.
A Levi's spokesperson says "We always try to connect to the energy and events of our time. What’s the pioneering spirit of today? A lot of people are rallying around marriage equality and fighting for that and so many individuals within our company feel so strongly about it."
Levi's has always put the LGBT community out front, as it were. They have a long history of supporting LGBT rights, from taking ads out on LGBT television, to even signing onto an amicus brief last year challenging the validity of Prop 8.
What's even greater, is that Levi's started this new ad campaign in an instant. Within 24 hours of the California Supreme Court upholding Prop H8, Levi's was standing with us again.
Levi's, where equality never goes out of style.
Thursday, May 28
Carol Leifer Debates Gay Marriage with a Macaroon
This is the brilliant Carol Leifer, who is on Larry King to debate some idiot minister about gay marriage. She is a great spokesperson for the gay community. She is smart, funny and likable. She should lead the charge.
Pacino in Talks to Play Dr. Death

Dr. Kevorkian helped more than 150 terminally ill people commit suicide before being sent to jail in 1999 after a 60 Minutes story showed him helping someone die. He was released from prison in 2007. I think he is a real American hero that sacrificed himself for his values. How many of us can claim to have done that?
The HBO movie will be based on Between the Dying and the Dead: Dr. Jack Kevorkian, the Assisted Suicide Machine and the Battle to Legalize Euthanasia, by Neal Nicol. The movie is set to be directed by Barry Levinson.
HBO movies are getting quite a reputation as high-quality products. The recent Grey Gardens, starring Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange was excellent and that project can expect to get some awards come Emmy time.
Wednesday, May 27
Nats on Steroids?

Hump Day Art--Woman with a Pearl Necklace in a Loge

Today’s painting is an oil on canvas called “Woman with a Pearl Necklace in a Loge,” which was painted by Mary Cassatt in 1879. Cassatt was an American painter born in 1844 and died in 1926. She created a series of theater scenes in the late 1870s, displaying an interest in city nightlife shared by many of the Impressionists. This work, showing a woman (said to be her sister, Lydia) seated in front of a mirror with the balconies of the Paris Opera House reflected behind her, demonstrates the influence of Cassatt’s friend, Edgar Degas, particularly to the attention paid to the effects of the artificial lighting on the flesh tones.
Tuesday, May 26
My Email to President Obama
One Sane Voice on California High Court

These are the six California Supreme Court Justices that voted to uphold Proposition 8 that took away a civil right by banning same-sex marriage based on a popular vote.
There was one voice of reason among the seven: California Supreme Court Justice Carlos Moreno, was the only judge dissenting in today's 6-1 decision. His dissenting opinion was this:
In my view, the aim of Proposition 8 and all similar initiative measures that seek to alter the California Constitution to deny a fundamental right to a group that has historically been subject to discrimination on the basis of a suspect classification, violates the essence of the equal protection clause of the California Constitution and fundamentally alters its scope and meaning. Such a change cannot be accomplished through the initiative process by a simple amendment to our Constitution enacted by a bare majority of the voters; it must be accomplished, if at all, by a constitutional revision to modify the equal protection clause to protect some, rather than all, similarly situated persons. I would therefore hold that Proposition 8 is not a lawful amendment of the California Constitution.
Write to Justice Moreno and thank him for efforts. Also feel free to write the other six and let them know what you think of their judgement. I could only find a snail mail address, which is:
Supreme Court of California
350 McAllister Street
San Francisco, CA 94102-4797
The California Supreme Court Upholds Hate
It breaks my heart. California's Supreme Court upheld Prop 8 banning marriage between same-sex couples. I just do not understand how the court can justify people voting away the civil rights of a group of people. It is frustrating that with every step forward, there seems to be another step backward. I just have to keep reminding myself that things are getting better. Write to President Obama and your Senate and Congressional representatives and demand equal rights for same-sex couples. Tell them to push forward on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Demand your rights! Give money to support our cause. Do something today.
More of the Mothership from Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Monday, May 25
The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest Week #195
Sunday, May 24
including the Concorde, which I saw take off from Dulles airport years
Mothership from Close Encounters
Kind on display at the Smithsonian with the space shuttle in the
Saturday, May 23
Lady Astronaut Pampers
Smithsonian Air and Space Museum Near Dulles
Friday, May 22
George Washington Leans in to Win Presidents Race
2-2 so far... Bottom of the 4th. That's George Will sitting behind
guy standing with the Nats Jersey.
Tuesday, May 19
The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #194

Monday, May 18
Sign the Petition to Urge the President to Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
One of these soldiers is California's own Lt. Dan Choi, who is also an Arabic linguist. In March, Lt. Choi went on Rachel Maddow's show and spoke honestly about his sexual orientation. As a result, the Army sent him a letter of discharge on April 23. Lt. Choi is now fighting the discharge and fighting the discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.
I just signed a Courage Campaign petition to President Obama -- signed by more than 100,000 people -- urging him to do the right thing by stopping the discharge of Lt. Dan Choi and other LGBT soldiers, and asking President Obama to uphold his promise to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." The Courage Campaign will deliver this petition to the president -- that's why it is important that as many people as possible speak out right now.
Will you join me in signing and urge your friends to do the same?:
Cleaning Up the Yard and Not Touring the Capitol

Friday, May 15
Art I Could Get Into (Or Vice Versa)

I took this photo with my iPhone at the Philadelpia Museum of Art last week. The sculpture is called Princess X by Constantin Brâncuşi, a Romanian sculptor, and was done in 1915-1916. I don't know why, but for some reason it spoke to me.
When it Comes to American Idol, I'm a 14 Year Old Girl
Though I hate to admit it, I do watch American Idol and I have to say that I am rooting for Kris Allen over Adam Lambert. Kris did a nice version of this song, "Falling Slowly," from the movie Once several weeks back. I realize that Adam is likely on my team, but I prefer Kris. I'm such a teenage girl.
Tuesday, May 12
Monday, May 11
The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #193
Sunday, May 10
DC Flowers
cold. I did manage to muster enough gusto to go for a late afternoon
walk. I stopped to photograph this along the way.
C-Span Coverage of the White House Correspondents' Dinner
Obama's remarks begin at about the 20 minute mark in the video. You can slide the video marker about a third of the way over to skip the opening. Wanda Sykes speaks right after the President.
Yet Another Game Night
Saturday, May 9
Friday, May 8
Heading Home
heading home. I have a cold and am worried others may assume it is
the Swine Flu. I hope it isn't. I'm pretty sure it isn't.
Thursday, May 7
New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #192
The above is the cartoon for New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest for week #192. Let me know if you come up with a caption. Click on the link to enter your caption.