The top photo with Shane pointing gives some perspective as to the ship's size. Shane would not be happy if he knew I posted that photo of him though. He is very particular about photo approval. It isn't exactly flattering. Luckily, he doesn't read this blog and will never know.
You might notice a small CP3O (from Star Wars) located on the edge of the ship in the middle photo. There is a list of all sorts of items to find, such as mailboxes and other items I don't remember. The third shot loses much of its sci-fi effect by having a bathroom-like tile wall in the background.
Walt from the blog, WCS, posted a funny comment on the earlier posting about having a strange urge to make a mountain out of his mashed potatoes. Enjoy the French Open Walt!
Thanks! Having a good time so far.
The picture of Shane looks fine to me! :)
Correction - the second photo contains a small R2-D2, not C3PO. :)
Love this!
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