A corner of our backyard.
I was off work today and had planned to take a tour of the U.S. Capitol. I have lived in the Washington, D.C. area for more than 20 years and have lived on Capitol Hill for more than 6 years and I have never been in the U.S. Capitol. I almost went in once before. We were in line to view Ronald Reagan when he was lying in state. We thought, since we went at around 10 p.m., that the line wouldn't be too bad, but it was soon apparent that it was going to take hours and Reagan wasn't exactly my favorite president, so we bagged it after about 30 minutes.
So, since I had a day off, I decided it would be fun to take a tour of the Capitol. I went online and read that you can get a free ticket for a tour, so I promptly signed up. My ticket was for 10:30 a.m. today. I arrived at the Capitol Visitor Center at about 10:20 and as I got close to the door, the Capitol Policemen were telling everyone to leave the area. They were clearing the area and everyone had to go across the street. I waited around a while and it didn't look like anything was going to change, so I walked down past the Supreme Court building. There was a bunch of crazies with red Jesus shirts protesting against "Homosexual Acts" and other ungodly things. They try to give me some literature, but I kindly refused with an expert eye roll.
I walked around Capitol Hill for a while and slowly made my way back home. Obviously, I'm not meant to visit the Capitol.
I spent the rest of morning cleaning up our backyard. Shane's mom is coming on Thursday, so we have incentive to get some projects done around the house. Though our backyard is tiny, it quickly fills with weeks, pine needles and pine cones. I also did some pruning of a bush in the front of our house. It was a beautiful day and it was nice being out. We spent most of the weekend inside. Shane got my cold from the previous week and it hit him hard. He spent the weekend in bed or on the couch trying to get better. I still am still not 100 percent myself. I had quite a sneezing fit working out in the yard today. We're hoping it is the swine flu, so we'll have immunity and survive when everyone is is dying this fall.
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