Friday, October 21

Another "End of the World" Date Comes and Goes

Crazy-ass preacher Harold Camping, who I thought had died (but still lives), was wrong yet again in his prediction that the world would end today.  Jeez... Doesn't he ever get embarrassed about this?

While Camping swore that May 21st was going to be the end of the world, it turned into a 5-month process that would be really over by October 21.  Today.  Corpses of the unsaved were supposed to be flung out of their graves and on the ground like manure today.  I haven't been to a cemetery, but I assume if that had happened, it would have made the local news.


Raybeard said...

So, Mr Campy, when is it NEXT going to end? Do tell!

Anonymous said...

Great post! I get super ticked off at the people that keep giving this idiot their money! They continue to support his ridiculous theories and hang on his every word. They are dangerous lemings.