Sunday, August 7

Seeing the Book of Mormon Musical

The Book of Mormon is by far the hottest show on Broadway. We got
tickets weeks ago, before it won 9 Tony Awards, including Best
Musical. It was the show we were most looking forward to seeing.
There was high hopes that it was going to be funny and hugely
entertaining. There was a lot of hype around this show.

As often happens when there is a lot of hype, the actual show does not
live up to the hoopla. Both Shane and I were very disappointed. It
wasn't terrible, but it also wasn't great. It was just OK. The humor
was very juvenile. Very. (I would have loved this when I was 14.)
The music was pretty bad too. The only memorable song was "I
Believe," which was featured on the Tony Awards broadcast.

That being said, the rest of the audience seemed to love this show.
Maybe it was just us being tired or our expectations being too high,
but we both remember Spamalot as being much funnier with better music.


Deep Dish said...

Mark, I agree with your review 100%. We saw the show in early June, and we were disappointed as well. The score isn't great, and the same juvenile/crude jokes are repeated endlessly. The performances were good, but "Spamalot" is a much better and funnier musical.

Joy said...

Glad to read these reviews. Considering the creators, each would have a different form of humor. I prefer Monty Python to South Park. I'm fine with the Mormon being the brunt of humor, though.

Unknown said...

Maybe I'm strange, but I loved it. I love Monty Python, too. I'm glad I found some discount tickets Book of Mormon. It was great fun!