Thursday, July 21

Started Training to Run the Philadelphia Marathon

This past Sunday was 18 weeks until the 2011 Philadelphia Marathon (November 20), and this week I started my official training program.  I am doing the Hal Higdon Intermediate 1 18-week training program.

I've already fallen short of the schedule, but I'm blaming that on my knee problems and going to New York yesterday.  I was supposed to run 5 miles yesterday, but did do 4 miles today.

Also, I bought a foam roller and have been doing my knee exercises (see Monday's posting).  I think it is helping; that along with the new shoes.

Anyway, I'm going to try to keep on schedule better.  Hopefully, the result will be a sub-4 hour marathon.  My ultimate goal is to qualify for Boston, but since they have now made the requirements more stringent, I have to run a qualifying race in under 3 hours, 30 minutes.  That seems hard to imagine.  I can only try.  Look for me with my blue sponge.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Keep up the good work! We want to see you crossing the finish line!!