Wednesday, July 20

Went to New York City and Saw Hair

My Hair Playbill and flower handed out during the show.
Had the chance to go to the Big Apple today, so I went and got a ticket at TKTS to see Hair. I had a very hard time deciding what show to see. It was between Mary Poppins, the Fantasticks, Billy Elliot, and others, but nothing was standing out. Shane and I are coming back to see some shows in a few weeks, so I decided on Hair because I knew he had no desire to see it.

While watching this show, never have I felt more like an old fuddy duddy. I have to say I'm not a big fan of musicals that insist on trying to get you to clap along. I don't want to participate. I want to watch.

Yea... There was nudity. I was told you really didn't see anything because of how it was lit, but that is not true. The lighting was dim, but I was 10th row center and I could see plenty. I didn't really understand why they all got naked. There didn't seem any reason for it as part of the story.  I guess it was just one of those hippy things they do.  Another interesting side note, the theater was full of very old people and lots of little kids--I saw some under 10. Why wasn't my mom that cool?

Overall, I would say the show was so so. Some of the songs were good, but it was too much of a lot of so so songs. The end was very affective, but there is not much of a story. It definately would have been better if I had a few drinks in me.

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