Wednesday, May 25

Time To Get Out the Blue Sponge

Today is exactly 10 weeks until a major milestone birthday.  I will be the big five oh.  I don't want to start my second half century looking as pudgy as I do right now.  I want to weigh under 165 pounds.  So, that is my goal.

I weighed myself at the gym today and the total was 183 pounds.  I figure I should be able to drop 18 pounds or more before the big day.

I plan to eat better and run more.  I ran both yesterday and today.  I'm getting back on track.  I'm going to give it the old college try anyway.  However, I still want to be able to enjoy the occasional Friday Night Cocktail.  I'll just run farther those days.  Wish me luck!

Yes, I know this photo is getting old.  It is from the Air Force Marathon in September 2008.


Ken Riches said...

Good luck, I know you can do it.

SteveA said...

Good luck - and I now see where the name of ur blog came from!

Greg said...

Good luck!