Maude relaxes on the ottoman in our living room. She hid under the chair at first and I think she spent most of last night under the guest room bed, but she has used the litter pan (praise Jeebus!). She has only used the litter pan once in 24 hours, but she hasn't appeared to go outside the litter pan. She is a great cat, and we have no regrets. She loves to be petted and rubs up against us all the time. Things couldn't have gone better.
Happy Kitteh, welcome home Maude :o)
congrats, you two. Maude is lucky to have you.
Aww yay!! That's so exciting. I think it's funny you guys are keeping such a close eye on her bowels!! lol! Is going only once in 24 hrs normal??
So pleased that she seems to be settling in well. It breaks my heart to know of animals living in houses where they aren't appreciated, but that's not going to happen with you. In a very short time she should start realising how lucky she is to have the two of you as her keepers. Do keep us informed on progress.
What a fur-puff.
She looks so happy to have a nice place to lay her head.......and do her business.
She just needs a little time to make your home hers. She'll be purrfect.
Oh Crap. I've been trying to talk myself out of getting a pound-kitty and you have to go and get a cutie like this.
Compromisin', enterprisin', anything but tranquilizing, right on Maude.
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