Thursday, July 8

Classic Mrs. Slocombe from "Are You Being Served"

These are the types of things I can say now that we have a kitty.


SteveA said...

i love this show - British comedy was so ahead of it's time. Was the gay guy Mr. Humpheries? - can't remember - but he was funny too!

wcs said...

We have a British friend who is always asking, in all seriousness, "How is your pussy?" We have to choke back the hysterical laughter...

Kyle Leach said...

Mark we bought the whole series a few months ago. AYBS never fails to entertain.

Anonymous said...


I agree. That's why I run an official "Are You Being Served?" site at:

There are a lot of images and info pertaining to all the cast members.

There is also a lot of other stuff for the AYBS fan including a blog, forum and an online role playing game.

