The Express is a free newspaper I get at the subway stop, which is distributed by the Washington Post. I read it on my commute in to work. Here's what I found interesting in today's news:
* The front page article announced that no charges will be filed in a murder last year of a man in a Maryland jail accused of killing a police officer. And I used to think the show "Oz" was over the top. Guess they weren't far off.
* Minn. Gov. Tim Pawlenty won't run for a third term and there is lots of speculation he will vie for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. They also list the others who they think might be interested in that position -- Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and Nevada Sen. John Ensign. I'm not worried for the Democrats, but of course I thought that about George W. Bush.
* More than 100 clergy gathered in SE Washington last night to show their SUPPORT for same-sex marriage. They have formed a group called D.C. Clergy United for Marriage and Equality. Who says there is never any good news anymore?
* The Nats are playing the Giants tonight and the Giants' Randy Johnson is going for his 300th victory. Since its the Nats, he's likely to get it, unless the predicted thunderstorms show up.
* Susan Boyle. Everyday there is something new about this dowdy Scottish lady. She had to go to the nervous hospital recently after she lost some talent show, but rest assured she is doing better. 

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