Thursday, January 12

Cat Video: Maude Attacks Her Catnip Mouse

This is Maude playing with the catnip mouse she got for Christmas. You might notice that although this is as energetic as Maude gets, she lays down throughout. Also, the light on the iPhone causes Maude's eyes to turn into Devil Eyes. Though she has Devil Eyes, she really is sweet. The catnip makes her crazy though.


Raybeard said...

(I like Maude's eyes lighting up like an alien's.)

Cats playing is so compulsive to watch - and so funny. But my two pussies won't play with any of the numerous toys I've got them, even catnip ones. One sniff and that's it. They must be thinking "BORING!" The only thing that gets them exercised is a piece of string. However, once they find that they can't 'win' they then drop any of the interest that they had.

Greg said...

Our cat does that, too , with catnip, and sometimes, will toss it into the air and chase it. But mostly lounges and nudges it around.