Friday, December 30

New Year's Resolutions Recap from Last Year

This is the annual post to see how I did at keeping my New Year's Resolutions from last year. Last year, I only made three resolutions--in brief: 1) Run a marathon in less than 4 hours. 2) Post on my blog every day. 3) Score higher than 10,000 on Qrank.

I did pretty good. I did two out of three. I actually scored more than 10,000 on Qrank, a daily trivia game I play on my iPhone and iPad, several times. The first time I did it was actually before 2011, but after I wrote the resolution. The last time I did it was just a few days ago. You can review my Tweets on Twitter (@BlueSpongeRun) to find the exact dates. I post my scores there.

I also accomplished the blogging resolution. I posted at least one thing on here each day in 2011 (assuming I post something tomorrow). I thought if I posted regularly, the people who view my blog my check back more regularly, thus, causing my views to increase. That has happened to some degree, but not that much. Then I started to wonder why I care how many people view my blog. I decided not to care. I like having a blog to review what is happening in my life--what I'm thinking about. It is my diary of sorts, but since people I know do read it on occasion, I can't really include the juicy stuff.

Finally, I did not accomplish one of my resolutions. I missed my first goal by 5 minutes and 43 seconds. I did run a marathon in 2011--the Philadelphia Marathon, but I ran it in just over 4 hours. Of course my ultimate goal is to qualify for Boston. I recently saw in Runner's World magazine a stat that only 5 to 10 percent of marathon runners ever qualify for Boston. It does seem like a daunting task. I can't break 4 hours and to qualify at my current age, I have to run a marathon in under 3.5 hours. That means more than a minute faster per mile. With the way my legs have been feeling lately, I wonder if I can do this. Of course, the older I get the more time I have to qualify. If I can keep running into my 80s, I might have a chance.


Vin said...

lol, i can relate to posting an entry each day. its hard to blog one day after another. what do you talk about? LOL! anyhoo, i enjoyed reading your blog.

keep running into 80's! you can do it! :D

laurie said...

You can also run Boston for charity and not need such a good time. Of course that would defeat the purpose of you resolution...