Friday, September 23

Dr. Oz Features Woman Dying to Be the Fattest

Yesterday's Dr. Oz program featured Susanne Eman, a crazy lady from Arizona that is trying to become the fattest woman on Earth.  She doesn't seem to be all there mentally. 

The clips (parts 2-5 are available once you click on the link below) feature the interview and some revealing photos of Ms. Eman.  It also features the men who seem to be encouraging her to get fatter, since they have sexual fetishes for fat women.

As Dr. Oz says, it is all very shocking. I don't like to judge, but she is killing herself in front of her kids eyes.  Like the train wreck that she is, it is all very sad.

Dying to be the Fattest Woman, Pt 1

In other news, they started a "Biggest Loser" contest at work on Wednesday.  Everyone who wants to participate puts in $20, and after 10 weeks, the person who loses the largest percentage of weight wins.  The pot for first place is $140! 

I did go out to dinner last night with my sister-in-law, Laurie.  She forced me to get Mexican and I was pretty bad (though the food was good), but I'm hoping to run it off.  It was worth it.  Laurie is lots of fun and we had a great time.  Thanks for dinner Laurie!!!


Trent said...

That's disgusting. She should be thrown in jail for abuse... on herself. So sad and troubling.

Ever watch the A&E Series "Heavy"? That keeps me very motivated on the bike or out "wunning".

Hope you guys are well!



laurie said...

Hey, I didn't force Mark to eat anything! There are two sides to every story. My version is that Mark jumped at the opportunity to eat Mexican because Shane, who doesn't like Mexican and never wants to go, wasn't around. But I had a great night, too. Thanks for the excellent company!