Tuesday, July 5

Tot Mom Not Guilty-Nancy Grace, Not So Much

What Happened???
The country has been obsessed the summer over the murder trial of Casey Anthony.  I haven't really understood why everyone cared.  Today Anthony was found not guilty of first-degree murder of her young daughter.  Considering there was only circumstantial evidence linking her to the crime, it is not hard to understand why a jury came to this conclusion.

The real crime was a certain loud-mouth exploiter TV personality that convicted Anthony of the crime every night on her obnoxious cable news program.  Nancy Grace's self-rightious attitude and judgmental rants are beyond belief.  Is this a Saturday Night Live sketch or a real person?  Grace is biased, rude, bitchy, and basically just a horrible clown.  Does anyone take her seriously?  Really?  Really?  She is just bananas. Am I the only person that sees this?

Just as an aside.  I do think Casey Anthony killed her child, but I don't think there was enough evidence to  convict her.  I don't think it was a drowning accident.  She may not have intended to kill her child, but if it was an accident, it was a happy accident.  It was crazy for the State to go for first-degree murder.  There was not enough evidence.   

1 comment:

the island guy said...

I'm so glad you called out Nancy Grace LOL