Thursday, September 2

Watching the Sunset With a Special Wine

Shane and I went to Italy 3 years ago and bought this bottle of wine at a winery called Castello di Meleto.  It was a Chianti Classico from 2003.  We've been saving it for a special occasion ever since then.  It survived in Shane's suitcase all the way from Europe.  We were going to drink it on an anniversary or when the sale of our Florida house went through, but for some reason we just never drank it... until tonight.  We sat on the porch of Moose and Squirrel and drank every delicious drop as we watched the beautiful sunset.  It was a wonderful evening.  

I just looked up what it would cost to buy more of this exact bottle in the US.  There was an online listing of a store in the Bronx that sold it for $16.99.  It was priceless to us.


SteveA said...

A good bottle of wine and sunset - awesome!

Raybeard said...

Never mind the price of the wine, how much for that provocatively-posed figure in the background? ;-)

Anonymous said...

What a great way to enjoy the sunset. I hope the hurricane coming your way doesn't interfere with your vacation!