Our only complaint about the day was the weather. It was HOT. We were hoping to enjoy a break from the heat of DC, but it was hotter in Maine (and Canada) than in Florida. What up with that?
After the tour of the FDR home, we drove to the far end of the island to see East Quoddy Light and were skeptical about seeing whales, as we were told the area was a feeding ground and they could be spotted. To our amazement, we actually saw several whales. It was unbelievable. We saw them blowing air out their blow holes and surfacing off-shore. We've gone on several whale watches in our lives and have never seen whales and we happen upon several by chance. Others around told us they were minks and finbacks. They were big, but too far away for a photo. We also saw porpoises and a seal while there. Very cool.
We crossed back into the US and walked around Lubec, ME, a bit. We bought some candy and ate at a pub. Shane then drove back to our beloved Moose and Squirrel in time for the sunset. It was a great day!
Franklin Roosevelt's 34-room "Cottage" on Campobello
Shane on the dock.
Me on the dock in front of Campobello.
View of the water from the "cottage."
The formal dining room.
Franklin and Eleanor's Bedroom
East Quoddy Light
We saw numerous whales here.
You can walk to the island with the
lighthouse during low tide, but you
Loving this series! Gorgeous photos... makes me want to plan a trip!
Mark, we'd like to visit Roosevelt Campobello International Park, but haven't made it there yet. Want to go even more now that I've seen your photos.
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