Monday, July 5

Yoko Ono Is Following Me on Twitter

I was playing around with Twitter over the holiday weekend and started following a bunch of people, including Yoko Ono, widow of John Lennon.  I was very surprised when she followed me back.  Now, she will be closely monitoring all my important tweets.  I hope she doesn't try and break up Shane and I.

You also might notice that I added a Twitter gadget in the sidebar.  Follow me and I'll follow you!  Also, if you follow Yoko, she'll most likely follow you too.  But, be ready to get lots of messages about peace and ending war, etc.  She's crazy about the peace.


Ken Riches said...

Following you :o)

Sara said...

Haha!!! Wow!! Sooo you're on twitter now, ay??

Wonder Man said...

I'll follow your twitter

SteveA said...

Yoko rocks!