Saturday, May 29

Father and Son by Cats Stevens/Yusef Islam

This is one of my favorites songs ever. I thought it was interesting to see the original version (above) by Cat Stevens and Yusef Islam's version (below). I know they are the same person, but a few years has passed since Yusef was Cat. His voice is better in the original version, but the video is a bit cheesy. Enjoy!


Raybeard said...

I used to be a really enthusiastic fan of Cat Stevens (as was), right back to the original releases of 'I Love My Dog' and 'Matthew & Son' onwards - until he changed his persona in the 1970s and started coming out with all the worst zealoted bigotry one might fear from a new Muslim convert, as well as disowning his own musical past. (I remember his vocal support for the execution of Salman Rushdie in the wake of the riots over 'The Satanic Verses'.) I was aware that he'd recently returned to singing but haven't been interested enough to find out if he's now disassociated himself from his former hateful views. Having said all that, if I now listen to 'Father and Son' and try to cut away all the singer's associations surrounding it, yes it is a fine song - indeed a VERY fine one.

SteveA said...

It's such a cleverly written song!