Tuesday, March 30
So What, Who Cares?
Shane immitated the guy from Saturday Night Live (Fred Armisen) who immitates Joy Behar and had us both giggling like school girls last night. This clip shows the real thing and the immitator.
Monday, March 29
New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #234
So you think it's my fault because I named you Anna Rexia!
The above cartoon is the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #234. Let me know if you come up with any captions too. Click on the link above to enter.
Sunday, March 28
Virtual Run from DC to Punta Gorda--Update #12
This is another update on my progress doing a virtual run from our home in DC to our new vacation home in Punta Gorda, Fl. It is a distance of about 1,003 miles.
I have been having problems with my neck. I have an appointment with an acupuncturist tomorrow. I've never gone to an acupuncturist before, but it should be interesting.
Total Distance Run This Week: 20.5 miles
Total Distance Run in 2010: 249 miles
Total Run Time: 34 hours 20 minutes
My Virtual Distance to Punta Gorda: 754 miles
Goal for the year: 10,000
Total Push Ups this Week: 150
Total Push Ups in 2010: 1,826
Thursday, March 25
New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #233
Looky Sonny, you have to shift your dadburn paradiagm.
The above cartoon is the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #233. Let me know if you come up with any captions too. Click on the link above to enter.
Monday, March 22
Sunday, March 21
Virtual Run from DC to Punta Gorda #11
This is another update on my progress doing a virtual run from our home in DC to our new vacation home in Punta Gorda, Fl. It is a distance of about 1,003 miles.
Last week, we were in Florida after finally closing our our new house. We were busy cleaning, shopping, and fixing up our new house. Therefore, I took a break from running and push ups.
Total Distance Run Last Week: 17 miles
Total Distance Run This Week: 0 miles
Total Distance Run in 2010: 228.5 miles
Total Run Time: 31 hours 6 minutes 55 seconds
My Virtual Distance to Punta Gorda: 774.5 miles
Goal for the year: 10,000
Total Push Ups for these 2 Week: 120
Total Push Ups in 2010: 1,676
Saturday, March 20
The Welcome Wagon Arrives
One of our Florida neighbors stopped by this evening with a beautiful
home-baked bread, which she gave us to welcome us to the
neighborhood. She was very nice. We met her husband earlier in the
week as he was walking their Scottie, Minnie. We are happy to find
some friendly faces in neighborhood.
home-baked bread, which she gave us to welcome us to the
neighborhood. She was very nice. We met her husband earlier in the
week as he was walking their Scottie, Minnie. We are happy to find
some friendly faces in neighborhood.
Crowded at the Beach
This is apparently the first good beach day in weeks in Florida, so
EVERYBODY came to the beach. I can't blame them.
EVERYBODY came to the beach. I can't blame them.
Finally at the Beach
This is our last full day in Florida and we're taking a break from
fixing up the new house and are having a beach day. It has been very
cool, but is warmer and very sunny today!
fixing up the new house and are having a beach day. It has been very
cool, but is warmer and very sunny today!
Thursday, March 18
Tennis On Charlotte Harbor
Shane and I played tennis today at this public court in a park on
Charlotte Harbor. It is such a beautiful set of courts on the water.
It was a bit windy, but we had a great time. We're loving Punta
Gorda! Oh yeah, I won, but it was super close. Shane had a set
point, but I managed a comeback.
Charlotte Harbor. It is such a beautiful set of courts on the water.
It was a bit windy, but we had a great time. We're loving Punta
Gorda! Oh yeah, I won, but it was super close. Shane had a set
point, but I managed a comeback.
Wednesday, March 17
Hump Day Art--Kerne Erickson
We are considering buying a reproduction of the classis Pan Am poster of Havana by Kerne Erickson from the 1930s. We saw a very large version of it in an art store on a recent trip to Key West and loved it, but I love all the classic Pan Am posters.
Tuesday, March 16
Dinner at River City Grill
Shane and I took a break from fixing up our new house and went out to
dinner at the River City Grill in Punta Gorda, FL. It was wonderful.
I had the Phylo Salmon (pictured) and Shane had a New York Strip Steak
with Mashed Potatoes. Next time I'm getting the potatoes instead of
the rice. They were yummy! It all was really good though.
dinner at the River City Grill in Punta Gorda, FL. It was wonderful.
I had the Phylo Salmon (pictured) and Shane had a New York Strip Steak
with Mashed Potatoes. Next time I'm getting the potatoes instead of
the rice. They were yummy! It all was really good though.
Sunday, March 14
Sun Setting Behind Our New House
We've been working hard getting our new house in Punta Gorda, FL, set
up. It was a forclosure, so it was a mess. Not only was it filthy,
but there are lots if repairs to get done. Luckily, Shane's step dad
has been there to help us. Thanks Jerry! We have also already bought
a sofa and our beds are being delivered tomorrow. We love this
house! It was worth all the trouble. Look at that view!
up. It was a forclosure, so it was a mess. Not only was it filthy,
but there are lots if repairs to get done. Luckily, Shane's step dad
has been there to help us. Thanks Jerry! We have also already bought
a sofa and our beds are being delivered tomorrow. We love this
house! It was worth all the trouble. Look at that view!
Friday, March 12
Florida House Update--The Drama Ends
The house is ours!!! We found out at 5:15 today (finally) that the
seller provided the HUD statement and so we get the keys. It is such
an amazing relief. It is almost 5:30 now and we are halfway through
South Carolia, but very happy now.
seller provided the HUD statement and so we get the keys. It is such
an amazing relief. It is almost 5:30 now and we are halfway through
South Carolia, but very happy now.
Sent from Mark's iPhone.
Virtual Run Update
On our drive to Florida, I took a picture at approximately the place
along I-95 I would be on my virtual run from DC to our house in Punta
Gorda, FL. The distance it has taken me 2 and a half months to run--
about 220 miles--we drove in 3 hours. I wish I could Photoshop a
picture of me running here (with a blue sponge), but don't know how to
do that on my iPhone.
along I-95 I would be on my virtual run from DC to our house in Punta
Gorda, FL. The distance it has taken me 2 and a half months to run--
about 220 miles--we drove in 3 hours. I wish I could Photoshop a
picture of me running here (with a blue sponge), but don't know how to
do that on my iPhone.
Florida House Update--Almost Closed
It is just after 11am and we've signed and Fed Exed the papers to
close on the house in Punta Gorda (see previous post). The only thing
we're waiting on is for the seller to sign the HUD statement. Once
our title company receives that, Shane's mom can get the keys. There
always has to be some drama. We're hoping the HUD comes through today
or we can't get in the house until al least Monday. Right now, we're
in the car driving in the rain south to Florida. We should get down
there tomorrow afternoon--about a 16 hour drive. Hopefully, we can go
in our house when we get there.
close on the house in Punta Gorda (see previous post). The only thing
we're waiting on is for the seller to sign the HUD statement. Once
our title company receives that, Shane's mom can get the keys. There
always has to be some drama. We're hoping the HUD comes through today
or we can't get in the house until al least Monday. Right now, we're
in the car driving in the rain south to Florida. We should get down
there tomorrow afternoon--about a 16 hour drive. Hopefully, we can go
in our house when we get there.
Sent from Mark's iPhone.
Thursday, March 11
Florida House News--I Don't Want to Jinx This, But

We are all set to close on the house we're buying in Punta Gorda, FL, tomorrow! This has been the most stressful 2 weeks we've ever gone through. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong with this house, but there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Barring another unforeseen problem, we will own the house starting tomorrow. It is hard to believe that it might actually happen. We have to sign the documents and overnight them back to Florida tomorrow morning. Once they get confirmation they are sent, Shane's mom can get the key. We begin driving down right after we send the papers back and should arrive sometime on Saturday and we're spending the week in Florida. I'll do more updates from my iPhone with any news when there is news.
Tuesday, March 9
New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #231
The good news is the effects of the Cialis have worn off.
The above cartoon is the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #231. Let me know if you come up with any captions too. Click on the link above to enter.
Sunday, March 7
Virtual Run from DC to FL -- Update #10
This is another update on my progress doing a virtual run from my home in DC to the home we're attempting to buy in Punta Gorda, Fl. It is a distance of about 1,003 miles.
Last week, I didn't do the usual update. I just announced that I finally entered North Carolina. This update covers the last 2 weeks of running. The best news is that it was warm enough here yesterday to run outside. I ran from our house, down to the National Mall, said hi to Abe Lincoln sitting at his memorial and back home. It actually was a little cooler than I thought, but it was so great not running on the treadmill. Here's how the the last 2 weeks of running breaks down. The time in minutes and seconds is now after my milage.
Monday: 4 miles -- 32:59 Tuesday: 4 miles -- 31:07 Wednesday: 6 miles 49:37 Thursday: 3 miles -- 23:46 Friday: 10 miles -- 83:20 Saturday: Off Sunday: Off
Monday: 3 miles -- 23:55
Tuesday: 3 miles -- 23:59
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: 4 miles -- 31:47
Friday: 4 miles -- 31:44
Saturday: 6.5 miles -- 57:00
Total Distance Run First Week: 27 miles
Total Distance Run Second Week: 20.5 miles
Total Distance Run in 2010: 211.5 miles
Total Run Time: 28 hours 50 minutes 10 seconds
My Virtual Distance to Punta Gorda: 791.5 miles PUSH UPS I am also trying to improve my strength by doing push ups. I have lost some of my drive for doing push ups lately. It is something I have really come to dread doing. Goal for the year: 10,000 Tuesday:70
Thursday: 72
Monday: 70
Thursday: 72
Friday: 20
Sunday: 20 Total Push Ups for these 2 Week: 324 Total Push Ups in 2010: 1,556
Saturday, March 6
Friday, March 5
5 on the Fifth -- Missing Maine
This is an idea from State of the Nation UK -- taking five random photos on the fifth of the month and share them with the world. The theme this time around was People, and so I thought I would go with photos of important people in my life. That didn't work out, so I then thought I would rather show different shots of Pumpkin Island Lighthouse, which is our view when we stay at Moose and Squirrel, a house in Little Deer Isle, Maine. Obviously, I didn't take these today, but so what.
We sit out on the porch of Moose and Squirrel, drink wine, and watch the sun set. I got a call today from the realtor that rents us that house. She was asking whether we were going to rent again this year. Since we're buying a house in Florida, we're not sure if we can go to Maine. Also, we were pissed about Maine taking away gay marriage, but we still love Maine and miss it.
Thursday, March 4
This House is Cursed!

This is the house in Punta Gorda, FL, we have been trying to buy now for about 6 months. We were scheduled to close on it tomorrow. We originally scheduled to close around Thanksgiving of last year. To put it mildly, this house has issues.
Our plan (up until late today) was to start driving to Florida tomorrow after it finally closed, but because our insurance company delayed getting information to the bank this week due to a printing "glitch," and after the insurance agent handling the account called in sick, and therefore our bank was not able to complete our paperwork in time, and nobody could ever tell us until that very last minutes whether it could close on Friday. It is just one headache after another.
Anyway. We're going to have to delay our trip another week and we hope that the damn closing actually happens early next week. It has been a stressful, not fun, disappointing process. We're both sick of it.
Wednesday, March 3
Gay Marriage Legal in DC Starting Now
The Supreme Court denied haters' request to postpone DC's same-sex marriage law, which begins today. That means same sex couples can start registering for a marriage license today and can get married after 3 full days, so I believe that the first actual marriages will be on Tuesday, March 9. The AP reports that 200 couples are expected to apply today. I'm not sure how they know that.
Shane and I do plan to get married in DC. I was hoping we could get married on May 2, which is the date we celebrate as our anniversary. I thought it would be less complicated to have just one date to remember. However, May 2 is on a Sunday, and we just wanted to go to City Hall and have a judge marry us, and I doubt that can happen on a Sunday. We need to get more information.
Monday, March 1
Girl Scout Cookie Stash
These were on my desk when I arrived at work this morning. I ordered
these prior to giving up sweets for Lent. It was not my smartest
move. I am, however, still sweets-free -- this is day 13. The
cookies are currently out of my site in my office cabinet.
these prior to giving up sweets for Lent. It was not my smartest
move. I am, however, still sweets-free -- this is day 13. The
cookies are currently out of my site in my office cabinet.
New Yorker Caption Contest #230
I told you this is how you get to Roman Sesame Street.
The above cartoon is the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #230. Let me know if you come up with any captions too. Click on the link above to enter.
Aerial View of Our House in Punta Gorda, FL
Friends of Shane's parents took an aerial photo of the house we're purchasing in Punta Gorda, FL. To find our house, look for the straight line of mangroves on the right side of the photo. Our house is across from the middle of the straight line.
This photo also gives a great perspective of how close we are to the Gulf. It also is a bit scary, since we seem to be very vunerable to a rise in the sea level. This is one instance where I hope Fox News is right and Al Gore is wrong.
We're hoping that we can close on the house (finally) this week. It is scheduled for Friday right now, but we're hoping it could hapen even earlier. We found out the city of Punta Gorda recorded the variance on Thursday, which is earlier than was expected. Keep your fingers crossed.
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