Sunday, January 10

Virtual Run from DC to Punta Gorda -- Update 3

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to to do a virtual run from my home in DC to our possible new home in Punta Gorda, FL.  It is just a bit more than 1,000 miles and requires that I run an average of 2.75 each day.  I ran every day this week except Saturday.  Here's how it breaks down:

Monday: 3.5 miles
Tuesday: 4 miles
Wednesday: 5 miles
Thursday: 3:25 miles
Friday: 6 miles
Saturday: Off
Sunday: 3.5 miles

On my virtual run to Floriday, I am now just past Triangle VA.  The map below shows the start near my house in South East DC and my finish today in Virginia.

Total Distance Run This Week:  25.25 miles

Total Distance Run in 2010: 34.5 miles

Total Run Time: 4 hours 45 minutes 30 seconds

My Virtual Distance to Punta Gorda: 968.5 miles

I am also trying to improve my strength by doing push ups.

Goal for the year: 10,000

Total Push Ups This Week: 135

Push Ups in 2010: 190

Today I did 47 push ups, which is a big increase from just 10 days ago.  I am behind schedule, but expect to be able to do more as the year progresses and I get stronger.  I am hoping I'm not trying to do a thousand push ups on New Year's Eve 2010.

1 comment:

SteveA said...

Interesting goal set - 1000 miles to run! Sounds good - good luck!