Wednesday, January 20

That Sound Is Ted Kennedy Spinning In His Grave

President Obama got a message from "liberal" Massachusetts yesterday that I hope is a wake-up call about not putting off to tomorrow what can be done right now (and really should have already been done).  There are no guarantees in politics and the electorate is fickle.  Important issues like repealing Don't Ask, and Don't Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act, passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and providing Federal Benefits for same-sex couples need to be addressed toot sweet. 
My guess is Obama didn't get the message.  My guess is that progress will continue to be painfully slow.  Let's just hope that something -- anything -- can be accomplished. 
Also, let's see what happens when this vote comes back to bite the people of Massachusetts in the butt.  Sure, the voters swallowed the Fox News bullshit hysteria about "Obamacare," they thinks Sarah Palin is American values incarnate, they love tea bagging and voted in centerfold Senator Brown--but let's see their reaction when they lose their health insurance because of a pre-existing condition or because they just can't afford to pay the crazy health insurance company premiums. 
Who are these voters going to blame when they are sick and can't get medical treatment?  Not themselves or Rush or Sean or Bill or Glenn... Just like the mess that the last Republican administration got us in was not any Republican's fault.  They only got us in two pointless wars and nearly wrecked the economy.  Why would the people of Massachusetts vote against their own self interest again?  Maybe they think they can get jobs at insurance companies. 


Stephen said...

Are we in for a scary flip back to Republicanism, conservative Republicanism, or worst... Cheney?

The Right already hated Obama, but his loosing the progressives with his lack of voice & action. We want people with backbone. To take the safe route because of feaf of lossing ground in the fall 2010 elections... mean nothing gets done & no one is happy.

What is the mood like in DC today?

BlogMarkBlog said...

I for one am not in a good mood.

Mark in DE said...

The whole situation has me so mad I can barely listen/talk/hear/think about it anymore!

Laurie said...

Mark, I certainly didn't vote for Brown (UGH!), but the point you make about health insurance in MA is actually moot. Practically everyone in this state has health insurance--it was mandated a few years ago, ironically championed by Senator Kennedy and signed by Mitt the Twit. But that very comfort factor in knowing that regardless of anything, people in this state are by-and-large covered may have actually backfired for the Dems in this election. Part of the pro-Brown, anti-healthcare message was "let every state deal with its own insurance like MA did." Not that I agree, but it appears to have worked. I am not looking forward to the next two years of Brown, and I hope the Dems can find a worthy candidate to oppose him in 2012.