The DC Express newspaper, the free paper version of the Washington Post, seems to think that same-sex marriage in DC is a done deal. Mayor Adrian Fenty is expected to sign the bill, passed the second time yesterday by the DC Council. However, the bill must then survive a 30-day review period. To block the bill, the House, Senate and President would all have to sign off on a disapproval resolution in the 30 days. The paper says advocates of the bill do not think this is likely to happen in a Democrat-controlled Government. The only other way this could fall through is if there is a Maine-style voter referendum, which so far has been denied as a violation of the DC civil rights law. Same-sex marriages could begin in the spring. I wonder if anyone will ask for my hand in marriage!
NOM is trying to strike back, watch out
If he likes it then he should put a ring on it!! :-)
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