Monday, September 14

New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #208

I really think this is going to be the best
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang production ever!

The above cartoon is the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #208. Let me know if you come up with any captions too. Click on the link above to enter.


wcs said...

This really isn't what I had in mind when I suggested we buy a hybrid.

Anonymous said...

Here's my rejects--rejects on account of dozens & dozens of other halfwits will submit versions and variations of them ad nauseum:

Let's just take the bridge.

Does it come with a sail?

Apparently, it's a big seller in Venice.

Yes, of course it floats--it's a hydrobrid.

Here's my fave, but also a reject because the New Yorker doesn't appreciate tedious wordplay:

Is it a Chev-row-let? Is it an Oars-mobile?
No, it's a Toy-oar-ta Co-row-lla!