I went for a run this morning (before I went to the Nats game) and took my iPhone with me. I made lots of stops for photos and here's a sample of what I saw. I start out at my house near Eastern Market on Capitol Hill. I run toward the Capitol and down onto the Mall. I stop and visit Abe at the other end of the Mall and run back home.
On the Mall running toward the Washington Monument.

The World War II Memorial

The reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Looking back down toward the Washington
Monument in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Climing the steps to see Mr. Lincoln. A group of children
on the right were singing the "Lullaby of Broadway."

The Lincoln Memorial

From the top of the steps at the Lincoln Memorial.

On the path going back toward the Capitol.

An Earth Day exhibit.

Preparing for the Earth Day Concert on the Mall.

The U.S. Capitol

Flowers outside the Botanic Gardens

More flowers

Lots of flowers were blooming. Some of the tulips were a bit past their prime.

More tulips

Still outside the Botanic Gardens

In front of the the Capitol

Getting ready to climb back up Capitol Hill

On Capitol Hill and heading for home.
Some beautiful pics - I love running in the district this time of year when I've come to visit. It's getting to be Cherry Blossom time!
Beautiful pictures, and it must make it easier to run in such gorgeous surroundings.
Pretty pictures!
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