Several ardent -- and outnumbered -- opponents of same-sex marriage held signs with messages like "Gay = Pervert" and "A Moral Wrong Can't be a Civil Right."
Indications are that Prop 8 will succeed and the civil rights of gay married couples in California will go away. I find this trend of backwards progress very depressing. There are some victories (Connecticut for example), but there are many more defeats.
As a community, gay men and women need to organize and step up the protests. I'm ashamed at how little I have done myself. This is our lives and we can not let this happen. We need to fight this tooth and nail. I've always been the one that thought our rights would come in time, but I'm starting to wonder. There is an amazing amount of disgust aimed at gay people. We have to say enough and not allow it to happen.
I agree that we all need to fight.
I get tired of gay men and women who say they don't care about this issue because thgey don't want to get married.
They don't 'want' to, and they 'can't.'
I say join the fight because it's right and everyone deserves the right....to marry or not to marry.
It's really very simple.
I'm with my partner 17 years. I totally agree. I'm lucky enough to live in an area where everyone supports this (New Hope, PA), but we need more support from all over.
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