Wednesday, February 4

The Street Where We Live

I took this with my iPhone sitting on our front steps. I love the
street we live on. It is very residential for being about a mile from
the Capitol. I'd say about a third of the households on our block are
gay. The people are friendly and it is a great place to live. Just a
couple of blocks from our house is Barracks Row with lots of nice
restaurants. I remember about 15 years ago when this neighborhood was
downright scary. It has turned around much since then and a bunch
since we moved here 6 years ago. Our 6 year anniversary in this house
was Saturday. The patiotic garland in the tree next door is left over
from the inauguration celebration.

1 comment:

wcs said...

Looks similar to where we lived when we lived in DC in the early 80s. We were on 2nd & E SE. Walked to work every day. It was a nice neighborhood to be in.