This is another installment of the 100 Facts about me and second week of the t-shirt contest. Each week (until the list totals 100) I post 11 items, 10 of which are true and one that is not. The first person that guesses which fact is not true wins a Running With Blue Sponge t-shirt. Next Monday, I'll post 10 more facts and one non-fact next and disclose which one of the items from this week was false. Each person may only make one guess. Leave a comment or send an e-mail to RunningWithBlueSponge@gmail.com.
The false item from last week was #5. I was never in the movie Diner. The other 10 items I listed were true. Nobody guessed correctly.
Archer, from Archer Radio, thought it was hard to believe that I wrote a country song. I've written a couple country songs, mostly to prove that it isn't that difficult to write a country song. One of my songs was called, "My Woman Has Got B.O." It is about a man who marries the woman of his dreams only to find out later that she has a glandular problem. I didn't say it was a good country song.
Here's the fifth list of 10 facts and one non-fact:
1. I played the trombone in my elementary school band.
2. I was in my high school senior class play about a train wreck (that was indeed a train wreck).
3. I got a C in Chorus class in high school because, according to my teacher, my voice was changing.
4. On the night of my senior prom, I had a job babysitting.
5. I was very disappointed with the x-ray glasses I sent away for from the back of a comic book.
6. I was not aware of the concept of homosexuality until I was 11 when I saw a TV news story on the subject, which I thought was hilarious.
7. I've taught classes at my church's vacation bible school.
8. Along with several other co-workers, I once shaved my head when a colleague lost her hair while undergoing chemotherapy.
9. I had to go to the emergency room once with what I thought a an appendicitis attack, but it turned out to be kidney stones.
10. I'm a grocery checker school graduate.
11. I lettered in tennis at college.
I'm going with #11. I think you play tennis, but I don't believe colleges give letters for sports like they do for high school athletics.
Okay, I think #2 is not true. It sounds more like a podcast line then anything else.
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