Friday, July 2

Tweet of the Day -- Paula Poundstone on Kagan

Unable to discuss cases that might come before her, Supreme Court Nominee uses time during Senate confirmation hearings to clean out purse--Tweet from Paula Poundstone, 6/30/10.

Tuesday, June 29

We're Expecting!!!

Shane and I went to the DC animal shelter tonight and decided to adopt Maude.  She is about 3 years old and very fat. Her current name is Imagine, but we are going to rename her Maude.  She is a little stressed in this photo because she doesn't like other cats and they were out all over the place.  We think she is going to love living alone (with us) without all those other cats around.  We still have to pass our interview, but we hope to have her home with us very soon.

Maude and Shane


Monday, June 28

New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #246

We'll have to go to plan B and throw him under the bus.

This is my caption for the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #246. Click the link to enter your own caption and also share it here by leaving a comment.

Friday, June 25

Goin to Carolina In My Mind by James Taylor

In my virtual run to Florida, I'm halfway through South Carolina and I heard this song today and thought it would be appropriate to post.

Thursday, June 24

Viirtual Run from DC to FL -- Update #16

This is another update on my progress doing a virtual run from our home in DC to our vacation home in Punta Gorda, Fl. It is a distance of about 1,003 miles.  You might notice these updates are becoming fewer and farther between, but I am still keeping track of my progress and still plugging along.  Now the big question is will I make it to Punta Gorda before the oil (not likely).

As I mentioned in my last update, I slacked off a bit on my trip to Florida over Memorial Day and fell behind in my progress. To make up for this, I have begun the Streak, which, as of today, is at day 19.  This is by far the most days I've ever run in a row, and I find it a great motivator, because I don't want to mess up my streak, so I run a minimum of 3 miles every day. EVERY DAY!  I realize there are people with much longer streaks.  I've read articles about people that have run every day for 70 years.  I am not one of those people... yet.  I'd have to live to be very old to become one of those people.  Here's an update on my progress.

Total Distance Run Since Last Update (May 26): 84.5 miles

Total Distance Run in 2010: 484 miles

Total Run Time: 66 hours 57 minutes

My Virtual Distance to Punta Gorda: 519

I am on track to being halfway to Florida (over the 500 mile mark) by July 1.  There are 6 more days in June and I plan on running at least 3 miles each day. As far as where I am on my virtual journey, I'm in the middle of South Carolina, just past Interstate 26 on I-95.


Goal for the year: 10,000

Total Push Ups Since Last Update: 25

Total Push Ups in 2010:  2,701

I have all but given up on doing the push-ups.  I hate push-ups.  HATE.  I am going to concentrate on the running goal for now. 

Wednesday, June 23

Where In the World Is Shane?

Shane is traveling this week.  He took this photo last night from a riverboat excursion he went on as part of a conference he is attending.  He is flying to Florida from his business trip, and is staying at our house in Punta Gorda until Sunday.  Can you guess were he is?  Below are photos from his hotel and another from the boat. 

Tuesday, June 22

New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #245

Jesus Christ!  Who still uses Sanka?

The above cartoon is the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #245. Let me know if you come up with any captions too.

Sunday, June 20

Landscaping the Yard In Punta Gorda

Below are some pictures of the work being done on our yard in Florida.  It was a mess.  The sprinklers were broken, the grass was a weedy mess, and their were huge hole where previous owners had removed (sold) the palm trees.  We're getting a new sprinkler system, trees, and sod.  We're going to have the house painted and then flower beds with concrete boarders installed.  I'll show before and after pictures when it is all done.  

Saturday, June 19

Getting In Line for Stanley

It was 4 years ago this month that we lost our dog, Chloe.  We have talked about getting another dog, but haven't done much about getting one.  Today, Shane was surfing on some local animal shelter Web sites and found Stanley, pictured above.  We've discussed that we would like to get either a pug or a French bulldog.  Stanley looked like the perfect choice.

We jumped right in the car and drove to the Arlington, VA, animal shelter.  We got there and asked about Stanley and we were immediately warned that there were already applications for him ahead of us.  We met Stanley anyway and got to play with him a bit in their outside area.  He was adorable, of course, but wasn't that interested in us.  He was a stray and they estimate he is about 2 years old.  I would have taken him home immediately, but that wasn't in the cards.

We did fill out an application, but there are FOUR other applications ahead of us.  So, it isn't likely we'll get Stanley.  Luckily, Stan is going to be getting a home, though, we just wish it was with us.  Anyway, we'll keep looking.

Streaking With Blue Sponge

I was bad about my running when I was down in Florida over the Memorial Day holiday.  In the week, I only ran twice.  So, when I got back, i vowed that I would do better.  Starting on Sunday, June 6, I decided to run every day.  And that is what I have been doing.  I've run every day for 14 days now, including today--I ran over 5 miles in the DC heat.  I'm on a 2 week streak.  How long will this streak last?  BTW, I run with my clothes on.

Friday, June 18

Wednesday, June 16

A Scene from "Memphis" -- Best Musical?

From what I've seen of this show, I just don't see how it became the Tony winner for Best Musical. It just doesn't look that good. None of the nominated original musicals sparked my interest. I'm much more interested in some of the revivals. The Addams Family must have been pretty bad, as it was the only one of the five original musicals staged not nominated.   I think it is shocking that only five original musicals were staged. There were 11 revivals.  Sorry about the video starting automatically when you open the page.  I don't know how that happened.  If the above video doesn't work at all, try this link.

Saturday, June 12

Blue Sponge TV Top 6 for the Week

Although lots of series have ended for the summer, there is still some stuff to watch on the tube (mostly on cable). Here's what is set on my DVR this week.

1. The 64th Annual Tony Awards --This has always been the most entertaining award show to me. I've saved copies of past shows on DVD. I have to admit with the shows nominated this year and the people set to be on the show, I'm just not that excited about the ceremony this year, but maybe I'll be surprised. (Sunday on CBS)

2. True Blood -- This series finally returns for a third season of vampires and craziness. I love this show! (Sunday on HBO)

3. Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List -- Kathy returns for another season and the series premiere features Liza giving Kathy acting lessons. It can't get much gayer than that. (Tuesday on Bravo)

4. Hot in Cleveland -- This new series stars Valerie Bertinelli, Wendi Malick and Jane Leeves, as three ladies who move to Cleveland where they are considered "hot"... Huh? Betty White is their wise-cracking landlady. It is suppose to be part Golden Girls and part Sex in the City. I've seen mixed reviews, but I'll give it a try. I love Betty. (Wednesday on TV Land).

5. Work of Art -- It is Project Runway, but with art. (Wednesday on Bravo)

6. Top Chef -- It is another season of the Project Runway clone, but with chefs, and this season it is in DC! (Wednesday on Bravo)

Tuesday, June 8

New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #244

Did you ever hear of knocking before entering a room?

I just want my kitty back.

Dad is going to love his homemade wallet!

Look up on Wiki and find out where's his doodie winkle.

Miss Jones, do you know how to perform mouth-to-mouth?

Rubbing his belly just puts him to sleep? I don't get any wishes?

The above cartoon is the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #244. I wrote a few captions. Are any of them contest-worthy (i.e. not funny enough to win)? Let me know if you come up with any captions too.

Sunday, June 6

Backyard Renovation in DC

Our backyard of our row house in DC is teeny tiny and up until recently not in very good shape as you can see by the photo above. Further damage was done when our neighbor decided to chop down his huge pine tree, some of which landed on our fence, along with the other neighbor's cable TV wire. So we had the fence replaced, along with the deck, and the bricks relaid (which were so wavy and uneven from the tree roots that you could barely walk on them).

Below are photos of the result. One side of the fence is our other neighbor's (the dark fence in the second photo below) and we think they are going to have their fence replaced too. It is currently being held up by a rope tied to our crepe myrtle. You will also notice the cactus is blooming like crazy and we added a small flowerbed.

Update: One of the blooms open wide at night.

Rumor of Revival of Carrie the Musical

There are rumors that they are going to do a Broadway revival of Carrie the Musical. The original broadway musical, based on the Stephen King novel, was one of the biggest flops ever on the Great White Way. Even the poster for the show (above) was bad. Judging by the clip (bottom of this posting) showing a review of the original show, it is easy to see why this show was such a disaster. The dancing in the prom sequences looked laughable (sorry Debbie Allen).

However, I have heard some of the music from this show and I like what I've heard. The first clip below is the audio of a studio recording from the show by Betty Buckley called When There's No One. I LOVE that song. It is haunting and beautiful. The next two clips are scenes from the original show with Buckley as crazy Momma and Linzi Hateley as Carrie. I think it deserves another chance. They could try to fix its problems and Patti Lupone would kill in the role of Carrie's mother.