Saturday, June 5
New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #243

It's the Consumer Product Safety Commission about a phone recall.
5 On the Fifth-The Office

Friday, June 4
Big Bird Video from Blind Pass Beach
This is the bird that visited me on the beach on
Tuesday. It isn't THE Big Bird from Sesame Street,
but it is a pretty big bird. Sorry for the crappy video
quality, but I took this with my crappy camera.
Thursday, June 3
More Photos from Blind Pass Beach
Here are some photos I took while at the beach on Tuesday. It is near Englewood, FL, just south of Sarasota, on the Gulf Coast. There is no oil damage here yet, but I fear it is sure to come and ruin this great beach.
My big bird friend.
Roped off turtle eggs
Not many people at the beach. My umbrella is to the left.
Tuesday, June 1
Big Bird On Blind Pass Beach
I spent the afternoon at Blind Pass Beach, near Englewood, FL, and it is quickly becoming my favorite beach. It is not crowded, the water is clear and warm, and there is all sorts of live entertainment. I am sitting in the same place I saw the sea turtle the other day. I haven't seen any turtles today, but this 3 foot tall bird stood about 15 feet from me and stared at me for about 30 minutes. I have to admit that I've always been a little afraid of birds (thanks Alfred Hitchcock), and this bird had a long, sharp-looking beak, but he didn't attack thankfully. I took this with my phone, but i also took some better shots with my digital camera, which I will post soon.
This is my last beach day this trip...waaaaah! I have to go home tomorrow. I am dreading coming back here and seeing blackened, oil-soaked beaches.
Monday, May 31
Running With Blue Sponge Tee-Shirt Winner-Bob!
We have a winner! In a giveaway to one of the Followers of this blog, the big winner is Bob of the I Should Be Laughing blog, which is listed in the sidebar of this blog under blogs I follow. I would link it, but I'm posting this from my iPhone and I have no idea how to do that on my phone. I'm currently in Florida without access to my computer. Hope you enjoy the shirt Bob! Congrats!
Actual Florida Sunset--Not Photoshopped
This isn't from a picture postcard. I took this with my iPhone as I
was cooling down from my run in Punta Gorda, FL. This is why we have
a house here. It is even more amazing in person.
was cooling down from my run in Punta Gorda, FL. This is why we have
a house here. It is even more amazing in person.
Running On the Bridge to Punta Gorda
This was taken as I was running on the bridge between Punta Gorda and
Port Charlotte, FL. Shane had to go home today, but I'm staying a few
more days. I spent most of the day at Turtle Beach on Siesta Key near
Sarasota. It was a perfect beach day--warm, but with constant cool
breeze. I stopped on my way home for a run. It was an awesome day.
Port Charlotte, FL. Shane had to go home today, but I'm staying a few
more days. I spent most of the day at Turtle Beach on Siesta Key near
Sarasota. It was a perfect beach day--warm, but with constant cool
breeze. I stopped on my way home for a run. It was an awesome day.
Sunday, May 30
Blue Gobo for Broadway Moments--A Sponge-Worthy Website
There is no better reason for the invention of the Internet than the Website Blue Gobo. I don't know of a better resource for video clips of classic scenes from Broadway theater. For a theater lover, it is like finding gold.
These clips are taken from talk shows, awards shows, the Macy Thanksgiving Day Parade, and where ever else Broadway performers promoted their shows, and often this is all that is left of the original production. Why Congress has not passed a law requiring all Broadway shows to be immortalized on video is beyond me.
Suffice to say, I love this site and find a new treasure on every visit. Clips are searchable by decade and title, and the home page features highlights of recent clips. Take some time and explore.
For instance, click here to view a clip from the 1991 production of The Secret Garden and see if you recognize a very young John Cameron Mitchell, who would later go on to become Hedwig and the Angry Inch.
These clips are taken from talk shows, awards shows, the Macy Thanksgiving Day Parade, and where ever else Broadway performers promoted their shows, and often this is all that is left of the original production. Why Congress has not passed a law requiring all Broadway shows to be immortalized on video is beyond me.
Suffice to say, I love this site and find a new treasure on every visit. Clips are searchable by decade and title, and the home page features highlights of recent clips. Take some time and explore.
For instance, click here to view a clip from the 1991 production of The Secret Garden and see if you recognize a very young John Cameron Mitchell, who would later go on to become Hedwig and the Angry Inch.
Saturday, May 29
Father and Son by Cats Stevens/Yusef Islam
This is one of my favorites songs ever. I thought it was interesting to see the original version (above) by Cat Stevens and Yusef Islam's version (below). I know they are the same person, but a few years has passed since Yusef was Cat. His voice is better in the original version, but the video is a bit cheesy. Enjoy!
Friday, May 28
Dinner View Out Our Lanai
Shane and I just had dinner at our table on the lanai in our house in Florida and this was our view! We are loving this.
Florida Plates
Shane's grandmother gave Shane her 2007 silver Ford Focus to use in Florida. We spent the afternoon at the tax collector's place getting the tags for the car. We got a specialty plate that contributes to helping sea turtles. How cool is that? Thanks Nanna
What Sets Off Your Gaydar?
What triggers your gaydar? Sometimes it can be a challenge to tell for sure if someone you don't know very well is a Friend of Dorothy.
Not every gay man is a flamboyant flamer and not every lesbian is a plaid-wearing softball player. Wouldn't life be simpler if everyone would just follow the stereotype?
Luckily, I am taken, so having gaydar isn't really too much of a concern for me. I don't have very good gaydar, but here are a few things that cause my gayometer to go into the red. It doesn't mean the person is gay, but it makes me think he might be.
These, obviously, apply to men, and these are in addition to the obvious things, like having a rainbow flag tattooed on the forehead. Sorry if I offend with my stereotypes and generalizations.
Not every gay man is a flamboyant flamer and not every lesbian is a plaid-wearing softball player. Wouldn't life be simpler if everyone would just follow the stereotype?
Luckily, I am taken, so having gaydar isn't really too much of a concern for me. I don't have very good gaydar, but here are a few things that cause my gayometer to go into the red. It doesn't mean the person is gay, but it makes me think he might be.
These, obviously, apply to men, and these are in addition to the obvious things, like having a rainbow flag tattooed on the forehead. Sorry if I offend with my stereotypes and generalizations.
* When discussing anything related to children's beauty pageants or dance recitals, they bring up Jonbenet Ramsey.
* Refers to colors outside of what would be in a regular box of crayons--like mauve or azure.
* Uses terms like "boo boo."
* Considers going to the gym and sitting in the sauna a workout.
* Pays more than $25 for a haircut.
* They are smart, attractive, and make lots of money. (Perhaps this is some wishful thinking.)
* Watches Project Runway, Dancing With the Stars, or American Idol.
* Follows my blog.What sets off your gaydar?
Thursday, May 27
It's Complicated--Blue Sponge Movie Review
We rented the movie, It's Complicated, from Amazon using our Roku device. Before I get to how the movie was, I thought I'd mention that was the last time we'll rent a movie from Amazon on the Roku. We spent $4.99 for the HD version of the film. The standard version is $3.99. Whether there was a problem with Amazon or our wireless connection, I don't know. What I do know is that we received high def for the first 38 minutes of the film, then it suddenly stopped, reloaded, and became blurry low definition. It was barely watchable. We never had that kind of problem using Netflix on the Roku, but Amazon didn't work so well. Lesson learned.
As for the movie, it wasn't that complicated. Meryl Streep played a divorced chef who has an affair with her ex-husband (Alec Baldwin), which she feels isn't too immoral because her ex was married to the woman who he cheated on while married to her. Steve Martin is the architect/love interest building an addition on to her already huge home, where she now lives alone.
Wackiness is supposed to ensue, but not much really happens. I love Meryl Streep, but when she is playing a character close to her own persona and trys to be funny or light, it seems forced and makes me uncomfortable (i.e. Mama Mia). She seems to do much better when she plays more outside herself, like in Julie and Julia or The Devil Wears Prada.
I was very disappointed with It's Complicated. I had heard it was very funny, but I don't know what those people were talking about. This was almost boring. I wouldn't bother with it if I were you. This movie had some very talented people, but they were all wasting their time. They had Steve Martin and thought it would be funny if he was boring? I give it only 2 out of 5 sponges.
As for the movie, it wasn't that complicated. Meryl Streep played a divorced chef who has an affair with her ex-husband (Alec Baldwin), which she feels isn't too immoral because her ex was married to the woman who he cheated on while married to her. Steve Martin is the architect/love interest building an addition on to her already huge home, where she now lives alone.
Wackiness is supposed to ensue, but not much really happens. I love Meryl Streep, but when she is playing a character close to her own persona and trys to be funny or light, it seems forced and makes me uncomfortable (i.e. Mama Mia). She seems to do much better when she plays more outside herself, like in Julie and Julia or The Devil Wears Prada.
I was very disappointed with It's Complicated. I had heard it was very funny, but I don't know what those people were talking about. This was almost boring. I wouldn't bother with it if I were you. This movie had some very talented people, but they were all wasting their time. They had Steve Martin and thought it would be funny if he was boring? I give it only 2 out of 5 sponges.
Wednesday, May 26
Amazing Beach Experience--A Sea Tortoise
I flew down to Florida today and was able to go to the beach this
afternoon. Shane is still traveling on business and is meeting me
down here tomorrow.
Anyway, as I was relaxing on the beach, I noticed something in the surf up the beach from me a bit. I at first thought it was a raft, but then saw that it was walking. I walked over with my trusty iPhone and this is what it was--a sea tortoise (or turtle... I'm not sure of the difference). Maybe it was a terrapin.
Whatever it was, she went up in the dunes, dug around, I assume she laid some eggs, and then returned to the Gulf of Mexico. The whole process took about 45 minutes.
I was stressing out the whole time because a small group of people were watching her almost the entire time she was on the beach. They kept getting closer and closer. Whatever she is, I am sure she is endangered and people shouldn't bother her when she is laying eggs. OK, I did get close enough to take that photo, but I left after just a few seconds. The other people around did not. It didn't seem to bother her though. She did her thing and left.
BTW... The water was very warm and oil-free (so far).
Anyway, as I was relaxing on the beach, I noticed something in the surf up the beach from me a bit. I at first thought it was a raft, but then saw that it was walking. I walked over with my trusty iPhone and this is what it was--a sea tortoise (or turtle... I'm not sure of the difference). Maybe it was a terrapin.
Whatever it was, she went up in the dunes, dug around, I assume she laid some eggs, and then returned to the Gulf of Mexico. The whole process took about 45 minutes.
I was stressing out the whole time because a small group of people were watching her almost the entire time she was on the beach. They kept getting closer and closer. Whatever she is, I am sure she is endangered and people shouldn't bother her when she is laying eggs. OK, I did get close enough to take that photo, but I left after just a few seconds. The other people around did not. It didn't seem to bother her though. She did her thing and left.
BTW... The water was very warm and oil-free (so far).
Virtual Run from DC to FL--Update #15
This is another update on my progress doing a virtual run from our home in DC to our new vacation home in Punta Gorda, Fl. It is a distance of about 1,003 miles.
It has been a while since my last update (late April). I slacked off a bit on my last trip to Florida and have fallen behind in my progress. I have some miles to make up. I am really falling behind in my push-ups goal. I hate them damn push-ups.
Total Distance Run Since Last Update: 72 miles
Total Distance Run in 2010: 399.5 miles
Total Run Time: 55 hours 8 minutes
My Virtual Distance to Punta Gorda: 603.5 miles
Goal for the year: 10,000
Total Push Ups Since Last Update: 275
Total Push Ups in 2010: 2,676
Tuesday, May 25
Where In the World Is Shane?
Shane is traveling on business this week, and he took this photo out his hotel window this morning. Any idea where he is? There is another view below. Where is Shane? Come back Shane!
Are You Pee Shy?--Wisdom for Your Brain
Paruresis is a type of phobia in which the sufferer is unable to urinate in the presence of others, such as in a public restroom. Paruresis is also known by many colloquial terms, including bashful bladder, bashful kidneys, stage fright, urophobia, pee-shyness, and shy bladder syndrome. It is also known as psychogenic urinary retention.
Many people have brief, isolated episodes of urinary difficulty in situations where other people are in close proximity. In severe cases, a person with paruresis can urinate only when alone at home or through the process of catheterization.
Some people cope by deliberately holding in their urine, by refraining from drinking liquids, or locating unoccupied or single-occupancy public bathrooms. Severe cases of this disorder can have highly restricting effects on a person's life. In moderate to severe cases, overcoming paruresis can be extremely difficult without the help of a psychologist, therapist or support groups. Severe sufferers may not be willing to travel far from their home or be able to form intimate relationships. Others cannot urinate even in their own home if someone else can be heard to be there.
I have to admit that I, myself, am afflicted with this condition to a small degree, but I have a method of dealing with it that works for me. When going in a public restroom, I generally have no problem if I do multiplication problems in my head. It helps me relax and takes my mind off the worry of not getting the job done.
For more information about this condition, contact the International Paruresis Association at
Some people cope by deliberately holding in their urine, by refraining from drinking liquids, or locating unoccupied or single-occupancy public bathrooms. Severe cases of this disorder can have highly restricting effects on a person's life. In moderate to severe cases, overcoming paruresis can be extremely difficult without the help of a psychologist, therapist or support groups. Severe sufferers may not be willing to travel far from their home or be able to form intimate relationships. Others cannot urinate even in their own home if someone else can be heard to be there.
I have to admit that I, myself, am afflicted with this condition to a small degree, but I have a method of dealing with it that works for me. When going in a public restroom, I generally have no problem if I do multiplication problems in my head. It helps me relax and takes my mind off the worry of not getting the job done.
For more information about this condition, contact the International Paruresis Association at
Monday, May 24
New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #242
The above cartoon is the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest #242. This week, instead of 15 captions (like last week), I thought I would post my top five captions. Let me know if you come up with any captions too. Which one (if any) should I enter into the contest? Click on the link above to enter.
1. Vestless is as casual as I like to dress.
2. You IRS guys are relentless!
3. I'm not a shark... I'm actually a man in a gray suit.
4. The Armani Beach is about a mile south of here.
5. It boss out there Hugo!
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